Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What do you like or dislike about your job?

is interesting
is monotonous 
, monótono, однообразный, رتيب، ممل
is stressful
紧张的, estresante, напряжённый, مُرهِق، مجهد، باعث على القلق
is exhausting 
令人 , cansado, изнурительный, مُنهِك

is hard on your back, hard on your feet
the hours: the schedule, the shift, & how many hours you work
is friendly / unfriendly
is helpful 
, atento/servicial, услу́жливый, شخص مفيد

is patient   
, paciente, терпели́вый, صبور   
is impatient
不耐烦的, 缺乏耐心的, impaciente, нетерпеливый, نافذ الصبر, ضيّق الصدر  حاد الطبع
is mean  
, malas personas, подлый, سيء

is modern  
的, , moderno, современный, معاصر
is dangerous 
危 险 的, con condiciones peligrosas, опасный غير آمن
the health benefits 
健康保险, seguro de enfermedad, seguro médico, медици́нская страхо́вка

the dental benefits
insurance for your teeth
the sick pay
the commission
, comisión, (10%) комиссионых, عمولة
the bonus 
奖金, plus/prima, премиальные, علاوة، مكافئة

is flexible  
灵活的, гибкий график работы, قابل للتغيير
the public 
, el público, общественность, عامة الناس
the useful* skills 
, provechoso, útil, полезный, مفيد  نافع

Do you work now, or did you have a job in the past?  yes only!
Your partner's name: _____________
Check one:                               __ works now  (Use Is, Are, and Do when you ask.)
                 __ had a job in the past  (Use Was, Were, and Did when you ask.)
a.   Is (Was) the work interesting or not very interesting?  interesting / not very interesting
b.   Is (Was) your job stressful*?  yes  no  *紧张的, estresante, напряжённый, مُرهِق، مجهد، باعث على القلق
c.   Is (Was) your job hard on your back or hard on your feet? That means it makes your back or feet hurt. 
     yes  no
d.   Is (Was) your boss friendly or unfriendly?  friendly / unfriendly
e.   Are (Were) your coworkers patient1 or impatient2 with you?  patient / impatient
         1 , paciente, терпели́вый, صبور   
         2 不耐烦的, 缺乏耐心的, impaciente, нетерпеливый, نافذ الصبر, ضيّق الصدر  حاد الطبع
g.   Is (Was) your workplace modern* or old?  modern  old  * 的, , moderno, современный, معاصر
h.  Is (Was) your workplace loud?  yes  no
i.   Do (Did) you get health benefits?  yes  no
j.   Do (Did) you get sick pay?  yes  no
k.   Do (Did) you get a commission*?  yes  no   * , comisión, (10%) комиссионых, عمولة
l.   Are (Were) your hours flexible*?  yes  no   * 灵活的, гибкий график работы, قابل للتغيير
m. Do (Did) you learn useful* skills.  yes  no   *skills you can use on other jobs, , provechoso, útil,          полезный, مفيد  نافع

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