Student A. Practice asking questions about employment
with your partner.
the benefits 奖金, 补贴, 福利, beneficios, льготы, условия
the shift 日班, el turno,
a decision
决 定, decisión, реше́ние
1. Your break
is from 10:15 to 10:30. (When)
3. You should
wear a business suit. (What)
5. You get two
weeks of vacation. (How many weeks
of vacation)
7. We will
make our decision by the end of the
week*. (When) *on or
before Friday
Student B. Practice asking questions about employment
with your partner.
the benefits 奖金, 补贴, 福利,
beneficios, льготы, условия the shift 日班, el turno,
смена a decision 决 定, decisión, реше́ние
2. The work
schedule is Monday through Friday, 8:30 to 5:00. (What)
4. You'll work
the swing shift. (Which shift)
6. The job
begins on Monday, December 2. (When)
8. The company
provides medical and dental benefits. (What benefits)
1. When is my
3. What should
I wear?
5. How many
weeks of vacation do I get?
7. When will
you make your decision?
Student B. Practice asking questions about employment
with your partner.
the benefits 奖金, 补贴, 福利,
beneficios, льготы, условия the shift 日班, el turno,
смена a decision 决 定, decisión, реше́ние
2. What is the
work schedule?
4. Which shift
will I work?
6. When does
the job begin?
8. What
benefits does the company provide?
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