Thursday, February 28, 2013

Oral Exit Practice: Ask me where the foreign newspapers are.

Student A:  Library                                                
is/are located   , 坐落于…的, se situa, estar situado/ubicado,  находиться  
is/are overdue 过期的, vencido y no pagado, просроченный,  تأخر                       
is/are foreign , extranjero, иностранный  
to owe 欠债, deber/adeudar, задолжать, يستدين
to check out (a book) borrow a book from the library, , tomar prestado, брать книги в библиотеке  
a fee , cargo/tarifa/cuota, плата
1.  Ask me where the foreign newspapers are.
     Answer: Excuse me, where are the foreign newspapers?
3.  Ask me if we have any audio books. (=books you can listen to)
     Answer: Excuse me, do you have any audio books?
5.  Ask me if you can check out magazines.
     Answer: Excuse me, can I check out magazines?
7.  Ask me if we have any DVDs.   Answer: Excuse me, do you have any DVDs?
9.  Ask me where the computers are located.
   Answer: Excuse me, where are the computers located?
11.    Tell me your son lost a book that he checked out. Ask me what you need to do.
     Answer: Excuse me, my son lost a book that he checked out. What do I need to do?

Student B: Library                                               
is/are located   , 坐落于…的, se situa, estar situado/ubicado,  находиться  
is/are overdue 过期的, vencido y no pagado, просроченный,  تأخر                       
is/are foreign , extranjero, иностранный  
to owe 欠债, deber/adeudar, задолжать, يستدين
to check out (a book) borrow a book from the library, , tomar prestado, брать книги в библиотеке  
a fee , cargo/tarifa/cuota, плата
2.  Ask me how you can get a library card.
     Answer: Excuse me, how can I get a library card?
4.  Ask me how long you can keep the books that you check out.
     Answer: Excuse me, how long can I keep books I check out?
6.  You are at the library. Ask me how much overdue fees* are. (Money you must pay for bringing books back late.)   Answer: Excuse me, how much are overdue fees?
8.  Tell me that your book is overdue. Ask me how much you owe on it.
      Answer: Excuse me, my book is overdue. How much do I owe on it?
10.    Tell me you are looking for a book called The Happy Ending, but you cannot find it on the shelves. ( , estanterías, книжная полка)
     Answer: Excuse me, I’m looking for a book called The Happy Ending, but I can’t find it on the shelves.

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