Do/Did you like your job? Why?
Why not?
The pay is/was...
not very good.
The work is/was...
not very interesting
monotonous 单 调 的, monótono,
однообразный, رتيب، ممل
do/did the same thing again and again.
stressful 紧张的, estresante, напряжённый,
مُرهِق، مجهد، باعث على القلق
exhausting 令人 疲 劳 的, cansado, изнурительный, مُنهِك
hard on my back
…hard on my feet...
=It makes/made my back hurt, my feet hurt.
The hours* are/were...
bad the hours: the schedule/shift
My boss is/was...
not very nice
My coworkers are/were...
helpful 有 用 的, atento/servicial, услу́жливый, شخص مفيد
patient 对 某 人 有 耐 心, paciente, терпели́вый, صبور
impatient 不耐烦的, 缺乏耐心的, impaciente,
нетерпеливый, نافذ الصبر,
ضيّق الصدر حاد الطبع
mean 刻 薄 的, malas personas, подлый, سيء
My workplace is/was...
modern 现 代 的, 新 式 的, moderno, современный,معاصر
unsafe 危 险 的, con condiciones peligrosas, опасный غير آمن
I get/got...
health benefits
dental benefits
sick pay
a commission 佣 金, comisión, (10%)
комиссионых, عمولة
a yearly bonus 奖金, plus/prima, премиальные, علاوة، مكافئة
Other Reasons:
My hours are/were
flexible*. I can/could work when I want(ed) to.
机 动 的, гибкий график
работы, قابل للتغيير
I can/could
work with the public. I don't/didn't need to work by myself. 民 众, el público, общественность, عامة الناس
I work/worked
alone. I don't/didn't need to deal
with the public.
I'm learning/I learned
a lot of useful skills. 有 用 的, provechoso, útil, полезный, مفيد
I can/could? practice my English on the job.
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