Monday, January 28, 2013

Employment: Questions for Pair Work

Student A. Take turns asking the questions with your partner. Tell him if his answer is right or wrong.
a.   Are you looking for a job?                                                      è Answer:     Yes, I am.  or No, I’m not.
b.  Do you like working with numbers?                   è Answer:   Yes, I do.       No, I don't.
1.   Do you have a permanent job right now? ( , fijo)                                                 Yes, I do.                                                                                          No, I don't.
3.   Can you use e-mail?                                                                                          Yes, I can.    No, I can't.
5.   Do you work in a fast food restaurant? (McDonald’s, Burger King...)   Yes, I do.       No, I don't.
7.   Are you unemployed? (失业的, desempleado, parado)                           Yes, I am.     No, I’m not.
9.   Do you know how to use a cash register?                                      Yes, I do.       No, I don't.
11. Are you punctual? (, puntual)                                                   Yes, I am.     No, I’m not.
13. Do you use an adding machine at work?                                        Yes, I do.       No, I don't.
15. Can you repair motorcycles?                                                          Yes, I can.    No, I can't.
17. Do you have a high school diploma? (高中文凭)                              Yes, I do.       No, I don't. 
19. Were you a cook in your country? (your job, not at home)   Yes, I was.                                                                                         No, I wasn't.
21. Would you like* to buy a new computer? *Do you want                Yes, I would.                                                                                         No, I wouldn't.
23. Did you have a job interview last week? ( , entrevista )             Yes, I did.      No, I didn't.
Student B. Take turns asking the questions with your partner. Tell him if his answer is right or wrong.
a.   Are you looking for a job?                                                      è Answer:  Yes, I am. or No, I’m not.
b.  Do you like working with numbers?                   è Answer: Yes, I do.       No, I don't.
2.   Are you retired?                                                                            Yes, I am.     No, I’m not.
4.   Do you like to work alone and not with other people?                         Yes, I do. No, I don't.
6.   Can you use Photoshop software? ( , programa informático)        Yes, I can.    No, I can't.
8.   Do you work as a janitor? ( , intendente, conserje)                   Yes, I do.       No, I don't.
10. Are you employed? = working, with a job                                 Yes, I am.     No, I’m not.
12. Do you know how to use a cash register?                                   Yes, I do.       No, I don't.
14. Are you frequently (often, 常常) late for class?                             Yes, I am.     No, I’m not.
16. Do you handle money at work? (work with, touch)                                               Yes, I do. No, I don't.
18. Can you make many kinds of food?                                           Yes, I can.    No, I can't.
20. Did you finish high school in your country?                             Yes, I did.      No, I didn't. 
22. Were you a seamstress in your country? (女裁缝, costurera)          Yes, I was.    No, I wasn't.
24. Would you like* to buy a new printer? *(=Do you want)               Yes, I would. No, I wouldn't.

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