Monday, January 28, 2013

Work: Write Yes/No Questions

Example:  There is a dress code1. >> Is there a dress code?
1.  The job pays $11.00 an hour. >> ______ the _____ _____ $11.00 __ hour?  
2.  The salary4 is $2,000 a month. >> _____________________________________?
3.  The job starts Monday, June 17.
4.  We will make our decision5 by Friday afternoon.
5.  The company provides6 medical and dental benefits7.
6.  You should call us.
7.  The hours8 are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
8.  The work schedule is 8-5, Monday and Tuesday.
9.  This is a temporary11 position.
10.     You will need to work the swing shift9.

1.  Does the job pay $11.00 an hour?
2.  Is the salary4 $2,000 a month?
3.  Does the job start on Monday, June 17?
4.  Will you make your decision5 by Friday afternoon?
5.  Does the company provide6 medical and dental benefits7?
6.  Should I call you?
7.  Are the hours8 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.?
8.  Is the work schedule 8-5, Monday and Tuesday?
9.  Is this is a temporary11 position?
10.     Will I need to work the swing shift9?

Current Job: Star Cafe

Current Job
#1 Star Café
3-1/2 years  three and a half years
1take orders
2serve food
3operate the cash register
4take reservations

a.   Are you currently employed?
b.  Yes. I work at _____.
a.   And what is your position there?
b.  I’m a(n) _____.
a.   How long have you been working there?
b.  For _____.
a.   What are your job duties?
b.  I 1_____ and 2_____. (Say 2 duties.)
a.   Do you ever 3_____ or 4______?
b.  Yes, I do.
           No, I’m afraid I don’t, but I’m sure I could learn to do that.

Employment: Questions for Pair Work

Student A. Take turns asking the questions with your partner. Tell him if his answer is right or wrong.
a.   Are you looking for a job?                                                      è Answer:     Yes, I am.  or No, I’m not.
b.  Do you like working with numbers?                   è Answer:   Yes, I do.       No, I don't.
1.   Do you have a permanent job right now? ( , fijo)                                                 Yes, I do.                                                                                          No, I don't.
3.   Can you use e-mail?                                                                                          Yes, I can.    No, I can't.
5.   Do you work in a fast food restaurant? (McDonald’s, Burger King...)   Yes, I do.       No, I don't.
7.   Are you unemployed? (失业的, desempleado, parado)                           Yes, I am.     No, I’m not.
9.   Do you know how to use a cash register?                                      Yes, I do.       No, I don't.
11. Are you punctual? (, puntual)                                                   Yes, I am.     No, I’m not.
13. Do you use an adding machine at work?                                        Yes, I do.       No, I don't.
15. Can you repair motorcycles?                                                          Yes, I can.    No, I can't.
17. Do you have a high school diploma? (高中文凭)                              Yes, I do.       No, I don't. 
19. Were you a cook in your country? (your job, not at home)   Yes, I was.                                                                                         No, I wasn't.
21. Would you like* to buy a new computer? *Do you want                Yes, I would.                                                                                         No, I wouldn't.
23. Did you have a job interview last week? ( , entrevista )             Yes, I did.      No, I didn't.
Student B. Take turns asking the questions with your partner. Tell him if his answer is right or wrong.
a.   Are you looking for a job?                                                      è Answer:  Yes, I am. or No, I’m not.
b.  Do you like working with numbers?                   è Answer: Yes, I do.       No, I don't.
2.   Are you retired?                                                                            Yes, I am.     No, I’m not.
4.   Do you like to work alone and not with other people?                         Yes, I do. No, I don't.
6.   Can you use Photoshop software? ( , programa informático)        Yes, I can.    No, I can't.
8.   Do you work as a janitor? ( , intendente, conserje)                   Yes, I do.       No, I don't.
10. Are you employed? = working, with a job                                 Yes, I am.     No, I’m not.
12. Do you know how to use a cash register?                                   Yes, I do.       No, I don't.
14. Are you frequently (often, 常常) late for class?                             Yes, I am.     No, I’m not.
16. Do you handle money at work? (work with, touch)                                               Yes, I do. No, I don't.
18. Can you make many kinds of food?                                           Yes, I can.    No, I can't.
20. Did you finish high school in your country?                             Yes, I did.      No, I didn't. 
22. Were you a seamstress in your country? (女裁缝, costurera)          Yes, I was.    No, I wasn't.
24. Would you like* to buy a new printer? *(=Do you want)               Yes, I would. No, I wouldn't.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Jobs: Mixed-Up Questions with Short Answers

Put the following mixed-up questions in order:

1.   laid off* did you recently* get?   Did you get laid off recently? = Did you lose your job recently?  Yes, I did. No, I didn't.
       to lay somebody off:  裁员, 解雇, despedir /suspender por falta de trabajo,  увольня́ть, يسرح من العمل
       He got laid off. = His boss/company laid him off. = His boss/company told him he couldn't work there anymore.
       recently:  , recientemente, hace poco, недавно

2.   have you had a job interview* recently? Have you had a job interview recently?  Yes, I have. No, I haven't.
       an interview: 面试, entrevista de trabajo, Собеседование, مقابلة

3.    you can Microsoft Excel use and Access*?  Can you use MS Excel and Access?  Yes, I can. No, I can't.
     Microsoft Excel and Access: 电子表格软件,  数据库软件
       el software de hoja de cálculo y el software de base de datos
       Программное обеспечение электронными таблицами и базами данных
       برنامج جداول البيانات وبرنامج قواعد البيانات                                                                             

4.   are detail-oriented* you? Are you detail-oriented?  Yes, I am. No, I'm not.
       to be detail-oriented: 关注细节, 一丝不苟, se enfoca/se esmera mucho en los detalles... острый глаз на мелкие детали, الانتباه للتفاصيل

5.   know how do to operate* a cash you register? Do you know how to operate a cash register?  Yes, I do. No, I don't.
     to operate: 开动, hacer funcionar, управля́ть, يشغّل

6.   are reliable you? Are you reliable?  Yes, I am.  No, I'm not.
       to be reliable: , serio, formal, cumplidor, responsable, надёжный, معتمد عليه

7.   can at least* type 45 words per minute you? Can you type at least 45 wpm?  Yes, I can.  No, I can't.
   至少, por lo menos, По крайней мере, على الأقل

8.   country did work for a you bank in your? Did you work for a bank in your country?  Yes, I did. No, I didn't.

9.   operate forklift* do you know how to a? Can you operate a forklift?  Yes, I can.  No, I can't.
       a forklift: 叉车, 叉式装卸卡车, carretilla elevadora, грузоподъемник, رافعة شوكية

10. study did you accounting* or in college business? Did you study accounting or business in college? Yes, I did.  No, I didn't.
  会计, contabilidad, бухгалтерское дело,  محاسبة

11. a bachelor's* degree you have do? Do you have a bachelor's degree?  Yes, I do.  No, I don't.
       a bachelor's degree: / 理 科 学 士 学 , licenciatura, бакалавр гуманитарных | естественных наук,  
       درجة بكالوريوس

12. good are you numbers with? Are you good with numbers?  Yes, I am.  No, I'm not.                                                      
       to be good with numbers: can add (+), subtract (­–), multiply (x), and divide (÷) numbers quickly